In mid-2013 I was asked by the newly formed theater company 711 seveneleven to design their logo, something that was done with great success since the actors, their friends and collegues and the fans of their shows loved it!
The next year, 2014, I was asked to design the poster for their upcoming play "The Circle of Love" by Arthur Schnitzler.
The synopsis is as follows: "Ten couples in Vienna, engaged in an elaborate relay sexual meetings breaking the limits posed by social status, wealth and marital loyalty. Impregnated with psychology, sex, relationships and a lot of humor," The circle of Love "by Arthur Schnitzler comprehensive portrait of an entire society daring a vertical incision in the psychology of relationships and human sexuality."
For the design of the poster I had to think of something that shows the circle, the blending made between continuous changes of sexual partners and the macabre shadow of sexually transmitted diseases that falls over a society that does not know how to protect itself. And all this should be given in a manner that does not affect the viewer negatively since it is comedy.
The project when first launched, in Vienna of that time, roused a storm of protests and banned as extreme and heretical and that was a challenge for the poster design. So after much thought I came to the particular graphic with the entangled lines reflecting the play. The purple color of mourning is the same as the team's logo and the focus is on the shape created in the center and everyone gives the interpretation they want, as indeed do the supporters of the project.
Apart from the poster I created the banner that exists outside the theater, flyers and a four-page print that is shared free of charge to viewers containing information about the play.
I would like to thank 711 seveneleven theater company for their trust and for the photoshoot that follows for the needs of the presentation of this project!

Το λογότυπο της θεατρικής ομάδας
The logo of the theater company

Η αρχική αφίσα και ο τελικός σχεδιασμός μετα την προσθήκη των χορηγών και όλων των υπόλοιπων πληροφοριών.
The initial poster and the final design after adding the sponsors and all the other information.

Η αφίσα στα χέρια των ηθοποιών, πάνω στην σκηνή του θεάτρου σε μια απολαυστική φωτογράφιση για αυτη την παρουσιαση.
The poster in the hands of the actors, on the theater stage for this enjoyable photoshoot for this presentation.
The poster in the hands of the actors, on the theater stage for this enjoyable photoshoot for this presentation.

Το τετρασέλιδο προγραμμα της παράστασης.
The four page print containing the necessary info for the play.
The four page print containing the necessary info for the play.

Τα φυλλάδια.
The flyers.
The flyers.

Finally the banner of dimensions 1m x 2m which is outside of the theater.