In the beginning of 2018 I was ask to design a logo for an upcoming application for iOS and Android devices. The app name is "e-night" and is the first app in Greece that allows users to reserve tables at nightclubs of Athens.
After the research I did I came to the conclusion that the logo should be something minimal that can work on flat color surfaces but also multicolored ones, as photos are. I also wanted to create something that everyone would instantly recognise as a part of nightlife. So, I researched different solutions but in collaboration with the client the final result is the one below.

Below you can see the logo with the main color blue and the secondary, orange, applied both on colored and on white background

The main color is blue but I decided to use its opposite, orange, if needed. With these two in mind I created a pallet of colors that can be used in combination or separately whenever there is need. The colors for the most common color spaces are mentioned.

For the branding and the promotion of the app on Facebook and Instagram I created graphics that incorporate the use of the nightclubs logos along with photos they provided. All rights belong to their rightful owners.

Here is a collection of the Facebook posts...

...and here is a collection of the Instagram posts.

Finally I created two promotional videos, one to show some of clubs that participate in the app and one to show how the app works. Again, the parts of the videos of the clubs were provided to me and the rights belong to their rightful owners.
Thank you for coming all the way down here! :)